Translation Services in Leeds

ICS-translate delivers translation services from the heart of Leeds, an international business hub in England’s north. The city houses purpose-built conference centres, universities, and the city’s wealth of hotels. Between them, they see hundreds of events take place each year.

Leeds: The Home of Expertise in Translation

Home to some top UK universities, ICS-translate’s location makes it highly competitive when it comes to recruiting translation experts. If their internationally revered translation departments and courses in marketing and digital marketing attract talented individuals to study here, the city’s vibrant culture and lifestyle convinces them to stay on after their academic education is complete.

Businesses that work with ICS-translate reap the benefits of this large pool of expert-trained collaborators.

Neighbours with the Top Businesses in Our Sectors

Being in Leeds means the top businesses in the agency’s sectors are right on its doorstep. ICS-translate shares Leeds with the headquarters and offices of some of the top businesses in iGaming, finance, and legal. Some key public sector hubs neighbour ICS-translate, too.

Local Quality, Global Success

To tap into the benefits of working with a local translation agency and all that comes with our Leeds location, get in touch with ICS-translate today.

You'll always receive a friendly and fast reply from us - so let's get the conversation started.

We're Dedicated to Our Clients

Reinholds Sprogis
Head of Delivery

“It has been a pleasure to work with ICS. Reliable service of great quality, managing even the tightest deadlines.”

Nikolais Rudenko

“A trusted and reliable partner. The committed team at ICS-translate has always delivered work on time and to a high standard.”

Larry Kuperman
Director of Business Development

“ICS-translate has been our exclusive partner for localisation services, the only one that we have needed.”

Our Translation Services

More than translation, our language services are designed to achieve real connection with your customers with a fully-integrated approach to multilingual content.

Desktop Publishing

To make a good first impression and seal the deal with customers, any business strives to ensure their outward-facing texts look effortlessly polished.
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Quality Assurance

Linguistic quality assurance is about catching objective inconsistencies and errors once all subjective tweaks have been made to a text.
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White Label Translation

We can run all our solutions as a white-label translation service. We’re here to support any agency or business looking to expand a translation project beyond their core services.
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Video Translation

Don’t let your video get lost in translation. If your material is getting a significant number of hits, make sure it’s accessible to everyone.
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Audio Translation

Whether it’s a marketing message, an instructional piece or pure entertainment, we can capture the content of original audio with multiple language versions that engage global listeners.
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It's not enough to just speak their language - our in-country specialists go above and beyond to tailor every aspect of a business’ content to its international audiences.
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Accuracy, empathy and confidentiality are critical to interpreting services. Acting remotely over video or phone call, we provide a quick, confident and accurate interpreting service.
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By embracing transcreation, major companies can successfully bridge the gap between cultures, foster engagement, and build a strong brand presence globally.
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Subtitling has become the number-one choice of video localisation technique for a number of target cultures. ICS-translate can help businesses take advantage of that.
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